
·       Levinson, A., Lobel, M., Preis, H., & Mahaffey, B. (2023). Coping with subjective and objective stress during a pandemic pregnancy: implications for maternal mental health. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 1-11.

·       Levinson, A. R., Szenczy, A., Nelson, B. D., Hajcak, G., & Bernard, K. (2022). A biomarker of maternal vicarious reward processing and its association with parenting behavior. Biological Psychology, 167, 108240.

·        Levinson, A., Mahaffey, B., Lobel, M., & Preis, H. (2021). Development and psychometric properties of the Pandemic-Related Postpartum Stress Scale (PREPS-PP). Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1-7.

·       Mahaffey, B. L., Levinson, A., Preis, H., & Lobel, M. (2021). Elevated risk for obsessive–compulsive symptoms in women pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 1-10.

·       Szenczy, A. K., Levinson, A.R., Hajcak, G., Bernard, K., & Nelson, B. D. (2021). Reliability of reward-and error-related brain activity in early childhood. Developmental Psychobiology, 1-9.

·        Millen, A. M., Levinson, A., Linkovski, O., Shuer, L., Thaler, T., Nick, G. A., ... & Girson, R. B. (2020). Pilot Study Evaluating Critical Time Intervention for Individuals with Hoarding Disorder at Risk for Eviction. Psychiatric Services, appi-ps.

·        Burani, K., Klawohn, J., Levinson, A. R., Klein, D. N., Nelson, B. D., & Hajcak, G. (2019). Neural Response to Rewards, Stress and Sleep Interact to Prospectively Predict Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Girls. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 1-10.

·        Levinson, A. R., Speed, B. C., & Hajcak, G. (2018). Neural response to pleasant pictures moderates prospective relationship between stress and depressive symptoms in adolescent girls. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 1-13.

·        Speed, B., Nelson, B.D., Levinson, A.R., Perlman, G., Klein, D.N., Kotov, R., Hajcak, G. (2018). Extraversion, neuroticism, and the electrocortical response to monetary rewards in adolescent girls. Biological Psychology, 136, 116-118.

·        Distefano, A., Jackson, F., Levinson, A. R., Infantolino, Z. P., Jarcho, J. M., & Nelson, B. D. (2018). A comparison of the electrocortical response to monetary and social reward. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 13(3), 247-255.

·        Levinson, A. R., Speed, B. C., Infantolino, Z. P., & Hajcak, G. (2017). Reliability of the electrocortical response to gains and losses in the doors task. Psychophysiology, 54(4), 601-607.

·        Speed, B. C., Levinson, A. R., Gross, J. J., Kiosses, D. N., & Hajcak, G. (2017). Emotion Regulation to Idiographic Stimuli: Testing the Autobiographical Emotion Regulation Task. Neuropsychologia, 1-7.

·        Rodriguez, C. I., Lapidus, K. A., Zwerling, J., Levinson, A., Mahnke, A., Steinman, S. A., ... & Simpson, H. B. (2017). Challenges in Testing Intranasal Ketamine in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 78(4), 466.

·        Levinson, A. R., Speed, B. C., Nelson, B., Bress, J. N., & Hajcak, G. (2016). Authoritarian parenting predicts reduced electrocortical response to observed adolescent offspring rewards. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsw130.

·        Rodriguez, C. I., Levinson, A., Patel, S. R., Rottier, K., Zwerling, J., Essock, S., ... & Simpson, H. B. (2016). Acceptability of treatments and services for individuals with hoarding behaviors. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 11, 1-8.

·        Rodriguez, C. I., Levinson, A., Zwerling, J., Vermes, D., & Simpson, H. B. (2016). Open-Label Trial on the Effects of Memantine in Adults with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder After a Single Ketamine Infusion. The Journal of clinical psychiatry77(5), 688-689.

·        Rodriguez, C.I., Kegeles, L.S., Levinson, A., Ogden, R.T., Mao, X., Milak, M.S., Vermes, D., Xie, S., Hunter, L., Flood, P., Moore, H. Shungu, D.C., & Simpson, H.B. (2015). In vivo effects of ketamine on glutamate-glutamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Proof of concept. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging233(2), 141-147.

·        Rodriguez, C.I., Kegeles, L.S., Levinson, A., Feng, T., Marcus, S.M., Vermes, D., Flood, P., & Simpson, H.B. (2013). Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial of Ketamine in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Proof of Concept. Neuropsychopharmacology; 38(12), 2475-2483.

·        Rodriguez, C.I., Simpson, H.B., Liu, S.M., Levinson, A., Blanco, C. (2013). Prevalence and Correlates of Difficulty Discarding: Results from a National Sample of the U.S. Population. J Nerv Ment Dis; 201(9): 795-801.

·        Compton, R.J., Hofheimer, J., & Kazinka, R., Levinson, A., & Zheutlin, A. (2013).  Alpha suppression following performance errors is correlated with depression, affect, and coping behaviors. Emotion; 13(5): 905-914.

·        Compton R.J., Huber, E., Levinson, A.R., & Zheutlin, A. (2012). Is "conflict adaptation" driven by conflict? Behavioral and EEG evidence for the underappreciated role of congruent trials. Psychophysiology; 49: 583-589.